Auburn Rules

War Eagle fly down the field, ever to conquer never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, fight on you Orange and Blue, Go Go Go! On to victory, strike up the band, hit 'em high, hit 'em low, Go tigers go! War Eagle win for AUBURN, power of Dixieland!

Monday, January 31, 2005

Phrases I want to bring back

Ok, so there are some phrases that I am trying to incorporate back into mainstream conversation. Hopefully these will catch on and have the impact they once had.

"Child, Please"- use this saying when someone makes a comment to you and you want them to know that you agree without a doubt.

"Peace out" - use this comment when you are ending a conversation.

"Rock on"- use this comment when you want someone to know that you agree with what they are doing.

My friend t-bone is bringing back some phrases as well and I want to help him in this endeavor.

"Gas on it"- this phrase is used when you want to encourage someone's behavior.

"Word"- use this when you agree with someone.

(t-bone, if I got these wrong, feel free to correct me)

Now, it is your job as a reader of my blog to take these words and use them and encourage others to use them.

Peace out...

p.s. you can make fun of me now :)

Friday, January 28, 2005


Are you content? This was a hard question I had to answer recently and with much excitement, I can say, YES!! I am completely confident that God has me in this place, in this time for a specific reason. I am so excited to see God working in my life every day and to see the things that He is teaching me every moment. I am completely satisfied with where God has me right now.

I heard someone famous say on some stupid talk show today that you need to live for right now. So many times we look so far ahead and concentrate on where we are going that we forget to be happy right where we are. Take having a child for an example. First you get so excited when you get pregnant that you cant wait till the baby comes. Then, when the baby is born you cant wait until they say their first words. Then you cant wait until they walk. And before you know it, you missed out on the joy of pregnancy, birth, baby's first words and you are watching your child march out the door for their first day of school and you wonder where the time went and why you feel so unfulfilled.

The problem is that we always think that we will be more content, happy, and fulfilled when______ happens. Well, if you cant be content right now, then you may never be content. Seize the day my friend and take the word of God to the lost and help them to seize the day as well. Get excited about life and life more abundantly!! Rock on!

Monday, January 24, 2005

The storm

The Bible study that I am doing by Jennifer Rothschild, "Walking by Faith", is awesome. We just finished a week of her pounding into our heads and hearts that we need to let Jesus be the pilot. There is a bumper sticker out there that says "Jesus is my co-pilot". That may seem real religious to some, but it is bad theology. We dont need to co-pilot, we need to follow!!

Jennifer is blind and has been since she was a teenager. She tells a story of a storm she experienced after she first moved into to her new home, "As I cowered beneath the blanket, I noticed between wind gusts and thunder crashes the chirping of what soundeed like newly-hatched baby birds. The sweet sounds were entertaining at first, but they quickly became annoying when Mama bird joined the chorus. Mama was a full-throated whistler-- and oh, was she loud! The soundtrack that evening was a dissonant mix of hail, thunder, wind, chirping, and whistling. Those birds never quit. Between swells, the storm grew silent, but not once did those birds stop singing. Why aren't they scared? Don't they know that there is a storm? This is not the time to sing!
When the storm died down and I began to feel sleepy, it dawned on me. Those birds knew there was a storm, but they sang because they were birds. They responded to the life that was in them, not the storm that was outside of them."

Wow, that is good stuff. So many times I take my eyes off of the Savior and focus on the chaos around me. God spoke to me through this study to tell me that I need to respond to the abundant life He has given to me and let Him take care of the storm. Jennifer ends the session with this and I will end the blog with it also, "Dont wait for the storm to pass before you sing!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I am not getting sick!!

Ok, I am at work, I am drowsy from Tylenol Allergy and Sinus, I cant breathe out of my nose, it hurts when I swallow, but I AM NOT GETTING SICK! Do you really think that will help?? I hope so, because I really dont want to get sick. First of all, I give shout out to Jackalicious and Eminimeely!! Thanks for letting me in Bodacious, I am so honored.

So, school has definitely begun and I have a billion pages to read, so yeah, thanks for that. So, I just realized that I will be 24 years old in just a short period of time. So, that sucks because I had so many things that I wanted to do before I was 24. I remeber when I was in high school and how I thought that for sure I would be well on my way in my career by 24. Yeah, so that hasnt happened yet. I look back and I realize that I havent been sluggish in getting towards my career, but I just never knew that it would take this long. Maybe I should just quit school and become a truck driver, at least then I would get to see all the National Parks. Hummmmm, there is an idea.

So, enough daydreaming. I also want to give a shout out to my sis in NO. I want you to know that I think you are precious and I adore you. I dont know where I would be without you. You bring such random excitement into my life. I am better off by knowing and loving you. I am so glad that I can be your elastic friend for now, but I pray that God would make me your very close nearby friend one day soon, very soon!!

Ok, I am going to end now because I am still drowsy and I dont think that I need to be operating this heavy machinery under these circumstances. So this is it for now.....

Monday, January 10, 2005


Ok, so I have been at work for twenty minutes and I already feel like I want to leave. There is this other department on campus that wants to dump their work on us and my boss is not handling it so well. She doesnt know what is going on and so therefore, I dont know what is going on. The only problem is that she gets to go home at 5pm and I have to stay here and deal with this workload that I know nothing about! GRRRR! I hate being a peon.

So, now that I have vented....I hope this blog finds everyone doing well. I have been so bad about not updating this site but the only time that I have to do it is at work. By the way, thanks to my girls who came to hang out with me at work on Friday night!! I had so much fun. I always love it when friends come to visit me at work, it makes me feel special!!

I want to share with you all a treasure that I received yesterday. I have started this new Bible study at church. The study is written by a woman who is almost completely blind. She has a degenerative eye disease that has taken most of her sight. She can distinguish between daytime and night time, but that is about it. She is so talented though and she uses the gifts that she has been given for the glory of the Lord. God has blessed her with musical abilities. She writes music and is a very talented pianist. She has two small children and a very devoted husband. When she was talking about her children, she said that raising children when you are sighted brings challenges but being without sight brings different challenges. She didnt say that the challenges were harder, she said they were different. That is such a great attitude to have. I am afraid that if I was in her position, I would want to complain and say that my life is so much harder than everybody else's, but she has a great attitude about what the world would call a handicap. I am excited about the lessons that I am going to learn from this woman and how God can shape my attitude to be that of Christ.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Sugar Bowl Champs

Yay! We won the Sugar Bowl, for those of you who dont watch college football and dont already know. I cant believe football season is over, I actually cried at the beginning of the Orange Bowl because I knew it would be the last college football game that I will see for like seven months, how sad is that?!!! I know, I am pathetic, but I just really love college football and the NFL just isnt the same. Yes, watching pro football is fun, but there is just something missing. There is a special passion and love for the game in college. Many of the players in college football will never go pro and so the only thing that drives them is the love of the game and the love for their team. Football is a wonderful thing and I am going to miss it.

Yeah, I dont have anything deep to say like Emily and Jackie, so I am going to end this now. I am at work right now and I am incredibly bored because my boss is on her lunch break. But have no fear, as soon as she returns, I will talk her ear off. I get teased a lot at work for talking so much, but we are in this little tiny room and I get bored and I just like to conversate. So, there ya go. So peace out.....