Auburn Rules

War Eagle fly down the field, ever to conquer never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, fight on you Orange and Blue, Go Go Go! On to victory, strike up the band, hit 'em high, hit 'em low, Go tigers go! War Eagle win for AUBURN, power of Dixieland!

Monday, January 10, 2005


Ok, so I have been at work for twenty minutes and I already feel like I want to leave. There is this other department on campus that wants to dump their work on us and my boss is not handling it so well. She doesnt know what is going on and so therefore, I dont know what is going on. The only problem is that she gets to go home at 5pm and I have to stay here and deal with this workload that I know nothing about! GRRRR! I hate being a peon.

So, now that I have vented....I hope this blog finds everyone doing well. I have been so bad about not updating this site but the only time that I have to do it is at work. By the way, thanks to my girls who came to hang out with me at work on Friday night!! I had so much fun. I always love it when friends come to visit me at work, it makes me feel special!!

I want to share with you all a treasure that I received yesterday. I have started this new Bible study at church. The study is written by a woman who is almost completely blind. She has a degenerative eye disease that has taken most of her sight. She can distinguish between daytime and night time, but that is about it. She is so talented though and she uses the gifts that she has been given for the glory of the Lord. God has blessed her with musical abilities. She writes music and is a very talented pianist. She has two small children and a very devoted husband. When she was talking about her children, she said that raising children when you are sighted brings challenges but being without sight brings different challenges. She didnt say that the challenges were harder, she said they were different. That is such a great attitude to have. I am afraid that if I was in her position, I would want to complain and say that my life is so much harder than everybody else's, but she has a great attitude about what the world would call a handicap. I am excited about the lessons that I am going to learn from this woman and how God can shape my attitude to be that of Christ.


At 2/02/2005 6:26 PM, Blogger Les and Kimberly said...

I totally understand about being at work and being bored! I get really bored the nights I close, oh wait, that's 3 nights a week......haha I love talking Kim's ear off on Tues. That is by far my fav day to work. I work during the day and with others. Thank goodness! Where would I be w/o people......oh gosh, I don't want to think about that. I would be crazy..(c:


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