Auburn Rules

War Eagle fly down the field, ever to conquer never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, fight on you Orange and Blue, Go Go Go! On to victory, strike up the band, hit 'em high, hit 'em low, Go tigers go! War Eagle win for AUBURN, power of Dixieland!

Monday, January 31, 2005

Phrases I want to bring back

Ok, so there are some phrases that I am trying to incorporate back into mainstream conversation. Hopefully these will catch on and have the impact they once had.

"Child, Please"- use this saying when someone makes a comment to you and you want them to know that you agree without a doubt.

"Peace out" - use this comment when you are ending a conversation.

"Rock on"- use this comment when you want someone to know that you agree with what they are doing.

My friend t-bone is bringing back some phrases as well and I want to help him in this endeavor.

"Gas on it"- this phrase is used when you want to encourage someone's behavior.

"Word"- use this when you agree with someone.

(t-bone, if I got these wrong, feel free to correct me)

Now, it is your job as a reader of my blog to take these words and use them and encourage others to use them.

Peace out...

p.s. you can make fun of me now :)


At 2/01/2005 12:14 AM, Blogger Thomas Winborn said...

Great job BO-nizzle! There is only a slight correction that needs to be made. "Word" can also be an affirmative answer to a question as in the following example: Sassy asks, "You doin' aight BO-nizzle?" BOnizzle resonds with, "Word." There isn't much of a distinction, but there is a small amount. I wouldn't even call this a correction. It is more like an "in addition to".

Gas on it BOnizzle! Rock on widja bad-self. Word. Peace out!

At 2/01/2005 10:29 AM, Blogger Lara said...

Haha!! Oh, god! I hadn't thought about the word "sike" in years. That's freaking sweet. I'm all over this. I must kind of live in the back woods though, because "Peace Out" and "Rock On" never really went away here. We're also working on mainstreaming "Oh, Snap!" Use that to show your appreciation for a nice burn. I also have a friend trying get "fairy" into the mainstream instead of "gay", as in "Stop being such a fairy." However, that's not very politically correct, so maybe that's not such a good idea in these times.


At 2/01/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger Thomas Winborn said...

Alright...I must say, "Sike" is a good one, or is it "Psych", but "Rad"? I don't think so. I can help bring back "Totally", but "Rad"? I don't think that one can make it back from the grave. In fact, it might need to stay there. ;-)

At 2/01/2005 3:33 PM, Blogger dashadra said...

Dont diss on Rad. It can be brought back. Sassy brought up another one that I want to bring back, "burnt your bacon" use this when you have just performed a diss on someone. Like if you use a yo mama joke, then someone else can say "Dude, she burnt your bacon." Yes, I think this needs to come back. Agree??

At 2/08/2005 11:16 PM, Blogger Sher said...

Rock on is totally my phrase! And it even has a sign that goes with it...but moving from Mississippi to Texas has taught me that my "rock on" sign language means "hook 'em horns" in Cow-ville. How discouraging!

PS - Burnt orange is a hidious color! Sorry Austonians! Whoever told you orange was the new maroon was terribly mistaken! (Bulldogs for Life!)


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