Auburn Rules

War Eagle fly down the field, ever to conquer never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, fight on you Orange and Blue, Go Go Go! On to victory, strike up the band, hit 'em high, hit 'em low, Go tigers go! War Eagle win for AUBURN, power of Dixieland!

Monday, January 24, 2005

The storm

The Bible study that I am doing by Jennifer Rothschild, "Walking by Faith", is awesome. We just finished a week of her pounding into our heads and hearts that we need to let Jesus be the pilot. There is a bumper sticker out there that says "Jesus is my co-pilot". That may seem real religious to some, but it is bad theology. We dont need to co-pilot, we need to follow!!

Jennifer is blind and has been since she was a teenager. She tells a story of a storm she experienced after she first moved into to her new home, "As I cowered beneath the blanket, I noticed between wind gusts and thunder crashes the chirping of what soundeed like newly-hatched baby birds. The sweet sounds were entertaining at first, but they quickly became annoying when Mama bird joined the chorus. Mama was a full-throated whistler-- and oh, was she loud! The soundtrack that evening was a dissonant mix of hail, thunder, wind, chirping, and whistling. Those birds never quit. Between swells, the storm grew silent, but not once did those birds stop singing. Why aren't they scared? Don't they know that there is a storm? This is not the time to sing!
When the storm died down and I began to feel sleepy, it dawned on me. Those birds knew there was a storm, but they sang because they were birds. They responded to the life that was in them, not the storm that was outside of them."

Wow, that is good stuff. So many times I take my eyes off of the Savior and focus on the chaos around me. God spoke to me through this study to tell me that I need to respond to the abundant life He has given to me and let Him take care of the storm. Jennifer ends the session with this and I will end the blog with it also, "Dont wait for the storm to pass before you sing!"


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