Phrases I want to bring back
Ok, so there are some phrases that I am trying to incorporate back into mainstream conversation. Hopefully these will catch on and have the impact they once had.
"Child, Please"- use this saying when someone makes a comment to you and you want them to know that you agree without a doubt.
"Peace out" - use this comment when you are ending a conversation.
"Rock on"- use this comment when you want someone to know that you agree with what they are doing.
My friend t-bone is bringing back some phrases as well and I want to help him in this endeavor.
"Gas on it"- this phrase is used when you want to encourage someone's behavior.
"Word"- use this when you agree with someone.
(t-bone, if I got these wrong, feel free to correct me)
Now, it is your job as a reader of my blog to take these words and use them and encourage others to use them.
Peace out...
p.s. you can make fun of me now :)