Chris and I had a nice Thanksgiving in Fort Worth. We were unable to go "home" for the holiday, so we made the best of it here in TX. We were very blessed to be able to have lots of food, way more than we should ever eat!! It was ~75 degrees here, that is just W R O N G!! Below are some pics of our spread, do not worry we only ate about 1/5 of the food, the rest will be eaten over the weekend. The last picture is one in a long line of Chris' funny pics. There will be more to come, so check back soon....
This is our spread, starting from the back: ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, pecan pie, rolls, chicken, cornbread (half was used in the dressing), asparagus, and dressing...thanks to my stepmother, Helen, for the recipe on the dressing!
Chris checking on the dressing
Bonnie with the spread
Russian Chris