Auburn Rules

War Eagle fly down the field, ever to conquer never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, fight on you Orange and Blue, Go Go Go! On to victory, strike up the band, hit 'em high, hit 'em low, Go tigers go! War Eagle win for AUBURN, power of Dixieland!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

So, what do we do on Saturday nights to be wild? We play with static!
Static fun for Laruen

Static fun for Dena

Static fun for Bonnie

No static fun for Chris


At 10/23/2005 3:02 AM, Blogger Ginny said...

Best. Post. Ever. I almost tee-teed in my pants!

At 10/24/2005 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice, Bonnie. I am proud to be part of your blog! It's an honor! We are so crazy!

At 10/24/2005 7:27 PM, Blogger C. A. McKinney said...

Yeah, well... I have don't have to use a hair dryer fun!


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