Update requested
Sorry for the delay in updating. Jacki is putting us all to shame with her constant updating.
Let's see, what is new......
Well, it is that time of year again where everyone's stress level goes up several notches. That's right....FINAL EXAM TIME!! Wahoo! I love the feeling right after finals. It is such a feeling of freedom and release. I hate the feelings during exams though, but I always have to tell myself that what happens during exam time will most likely not effect me six months from now. So there, I hope that helps.
I am going to a Rangers game tonight and I get to see the Bo Sox play. I am so excited about getting this opportunity and I am so grateful for this night out. Stay tuned for pics from the game.....
Oh yeah, and the really big news.....I got a new job!! And I love it! I now work with some of the nicest people I have ever met. I am so honored to have this opportunity to work with such a wonderful staff. I wont be able to take as many classes as I am now, but I know that God is sovereign and He will guide me in all areas.
So, I hope all is well with you readers of this awesome blog.
Peace out
I'm glad you updated :o) I'm so happy that you were able to go to the Rangers game (twice) How Fun! Also, I am happy to hear that your new job is going smoothly. I hope finals go great for you, and they are almost over! Congrats!
Finals are OVER!
Update your freakin' blog girl! :-)
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